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Frequently asked questions about Serbian Host marketing and Internet promotion strategies

1. Why should I promote my website with Search Engine marketing?
Search engine marketing is vital. Next to E-mail, using Search Engines is the second most performed activity on the Internet, followed by researching products, places and services. If your website can't be found on the major Search Engines then you'll be missing a significant amount of potential website traffic.

2. What are the benefits of Search Engine Marketing and Optimization?

  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Reduced advertising costs
  • New market opportunities
  • Strong ROI (Return On Investment)
  • Increased sales
  • Expanded customer awareness
  • Increased search engine visibility

3. Can you guarantee top ten placement in Search Engines?
No. If anyone promises you this, don't believe it.
There are, "sponsored" links which appear near the top of search engine rankings -- typically these are Pay-Per-Click (PPC) services, where your ranking is determined by a bidding process.

4. Are there ways to trick Search Engines into giving me a high ranking in Google or Yahoo?
Tricking the search engines should never be considered! It's a good way to get penalized or banned completely from search engines. There are many effective search engine positioning strategies we can use to promote your website without having to bend the rules.

5. What are keywords ?
These are the words you expect a person to enter in a search to find your site. When a web "surfer" uses a search engine, they type "key words" into a form, and the search engine returns a list of web pages that match those keywords.

6. How do I choose the right keywords?
We can help you find the right keywords and key phrases to match your website or business. We have keyword and key phrase Internet usage statistics that help us know what keywords will give you the best results.

7. How long will it take a search engine to list my web pages ?
Many search engines take several weeks to add web sites, and a few take up to 4 months.

8. What are META Tags?
Meta tags are part of the HTML code that search engines look for but most visitors to your pages never see. Meta tags go after the title and between the head tags of an HTML page. You can control how a search engine lists you web site with the meta tags.

9. Why should I pay to have my web site added to paid inclusion search engines such as Yahoo's new "Site Match" if many of the pages on my website are already listed in Yahoo?

  • Paying to add your site to paid inclusion search engines like Yahoo will ensure that search engine spiders will frequently visit your site, possibly giving you more relevant traffic and higher positions on relevant searches. Your return on investment (ROI) may be high enough from the additional quality traffic you receive.
  • Your client's first exposure to your website and company may be a search result listing, so having up-to-date search result listings is essential.
  • Search engines update their databases on different schedules, ranging from daily to monthly. Paid inclusion guarantees your newest website information is included in search results quickly.
  • Yahoo's paid search system provides detailed traffic and keyword statistics.

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