1. |
How long does it take before my domain name can be used? |
The registration of a new .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info domain name with SerbianHost only takes about 24-72 hours.
2. |
How much is a domain name? |
$20 per year. If you don't sign in for a web hosting with us, we will still "park " your domain on our servers absolutely FREE.
3. |
When do I renew my domain name? |
Domains are renewed on an annual (or longer) basis. You will be notified via E-mail 30 days before the renewal date.
4. |
What if I misspell the domain name that I have registered? Can I change it? |
As per standard registration rules, there are no refunds or cancellations for misspelled domains. All sales are final.
5. |
Are there refunds on domain names? |
Once your domain name has been purchased it is yours for a year or a longer period. All sales are final.
6. |
Do I need to sign up for a hosting package if I register a domain name? |
No. We will "park " your domain on our servers absolutely FREE
7. |
Can I register international domain names? |
At SerbianHost, you can register .com .net .org .biz and .info. At this time, we can host all international domains, but do not register them.
8. |
How Many Domain Names can I register? |
You can register as many domain names as you like.